Day 6 of the 12 Days of Home for the Holidays with Jen Martakis!

The community that I've belonged to the longest on the "net" is Two Peas in a Bucket.  It was there that I became aware of Jen Martakis.  She is extremely creative and now has her own line of Digital Kits...Jen Martakis Designs.  I purchased my first ever digi-kit from Two Peas and it was Jen's design.  I've purchased several since then.  Jen is also one of Two Peas Garden Girls.   But Jen is not only creative with her computer she is uber talented in traditional paper crafting.

I think what drew me to Jen was not the Garden Girl, Digital Designer...but her blog.  Her blog reflects who she is and I've enjoyed reading her blog for several years now.  I hope you take the time to get to know Jen and enjoy her creativity as well. 

Welcome Jen Martakis!

Christmas is a special holiday in our home. First and foremost we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Every Christmas Eve, our family of 7 gathers and listens to the Christmas Story. My husband reads it from the Bible while we sit together and marvel about the greatest gift. Afterwards, we enjoy the evening together by talking and sharing.

Of course, the children, especially the younger ones, begin to get really excited about Christmas day and all that is coming as soon as they wake up in the morning. Right before bed we have a little fun. Our youngest children still believe in Santa, although he only gets credit for stuffing the stockings. ;) We leave cookies and milk and even little notes for him. Also, we check out the "Santa Tracker" online to see where Santa is and when he'll be arriving at our home. The kids always get so excited that they can't wait to get to bed so that Santa can come.

Jen Martakis
6 GuYs & a Gal

Thank you so much Jen.  Shhh.  Santa sent me all the letters my children wrote to him through the years to scrapbook!  It's always been part of our Christmas Eve tradition to read the biblical account of the birth of Christ from the book of Luke.  It never ceases to amaze me.

Do check out Jen's blog.  If you would like to see her creative work you can find it at her gallery at Two Peas In A Bucket.  If you like to digi scrap or even give it a try Jen has all types of digital kits.  You can find them at Two Peas as well.

We are half way through.  If you missed anyone take a few minutes to scroll down and see all the different traditions, decorations, recipes and more!  And come back tomorrow for another wonderful guest.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing Jen! The birth of our Saviour is what it's all about, isn't it? With Santa thrown in for some added fun!
    Thanks Debby!...Nancy :o)

  2. Thanks for sharing Jen! and thanks debbie for another great day! I love reading these!

  3. awesome tradition. tfs!

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Thanks Jen & Debbie. Great post.

  5. love Jen's stuff too!!!!

  6. I am really loving all the different ways we celebrate the day!


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